Augustine's Theology of Evil: A Comprehensive Exploration from Genesis and Beyond | MyPaperHub

The Essence of Evil in Augustine's Theological Perspective: Unveiling the Depths from Genesis

Explain how Augustine views evil and how he bases this vision in Genesis;

According to Augustine God created the human race and gave them human nature that was in line with the rest of the creation. He created them and gave them the ability to have some aspects of similarity with the rest of nature. However, after their disobedience, the human nature was altered, and this alteration could be transmitted to their kin. Augustine describes nature as good. Howler, the good associated with nature can diminish and become evil. Corruption of nature leads to the privation of good and leads to evil. According to Genesis, the first sin was too great that convicted human race to death. However, the availability of God’s grace could save them from the second death.

Explain man and woman’s role (why each ate the fruit) and why Augustine is forced to explain it this way;

According to Augustine in Chapter two, the fall of Human race in Genesis came as a result of lust. They both ate the fruit and fell short of the grace of God. Their good was diminished from the disobedience from which God had warned them. The serpent deceived Eve and then she tricked Adam through lust. The corruption of good led to the consequence of sin which was a shame. Lust which is an aspect of the flesh forced both Adam and Eve into sin. The eating of the fruit became the first time Adam, and Eve lived in the flesh. Eating of the fruit corrupted their nature and made them engage in evil for which God condemned them.

What is the cure for evil?

In Chapter One, Augustine describes how God’s grace is able of rescuing the human race from the second death. The engagement of human race into evil led to the alteration of human nature and made them susceptible to death. The diminishing of good leads to evil and makes people more liable to sin. Augustine brings out the aspect of living by the spirit and living by the flesh. Living by the flesh means living according to man, and this is a lie. God is the truth and the human race, therefore, has to live by the spirit which is associated with living by the truth of God. The cure of evil entails accepting the truth of God and living by the spirit.


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